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HCS offers an academic program guided by the Ontario Government curriculum as seen through a Christian worldview. The curriculum includes music, drama, art, physical education, Bible, and core French programs beginning in Junior kindergarten and ending with Grade 8 graduation.


Heritage Christian School’s teaching philosophy is founded on Christian beliefs such as:

  • this world belongs to God

  • all things hold together in Christ

  • all truth is God’s truth

  • each child is made in and bears God’s image

  • each one of us is our brother’s/sister’s keeper

  • each one is accountable to God for how we use our time and talents


Goals of Christian Education

  1. Academically, the school strives to:

    1. Train and discipline academic skills and attitudes necessary for success in high school.

    2. Teach the students to communicate clearly through writing and speaking.

    3. Stimulate reasoning, academic investigation, creative and critical thinking.

    4. Promote high academic standards and to help the students realize their full academic potential.

    5. Motivate the students to pursue independent study in areas of personal interest.

    6. Teach the students to use good study skills and habits 

  2. For the spiritual benefit of the students, the school seeks to:

    1. Encourage and lead the students to a personal faith in Jesus Christ.

    2. Encourage attitudes of love and respect towards the Bible.

    3. Teach appropriate methods of Bible study, the memorization of Scripture, and a basic knowledge of the doctrines contained in the Bible.

    4. Equip students with the ability to identify and refute the non-Christian philosophies, culture, and practices which are prevalent in society.

    5. Develop self-discipline, responsibility and accountability.

    6. Develop the students respect and appreciation of authority.

    7. Help the students develop for themselves a Christian world and life view by integrating life and studies with the Bible. 

  3. For the student’s social development, the school aims to:

    1. Teach the students to treat their neighbours with love and respect as unique individuals created in God's image.

    2. Promote physical fitness, good health habits, and wise use of the body as the temple of God.

    3. Emphasize the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship and an appreciation for the heritage of freedom which we enjoy in Canada.

    4. Teach the students that their talents are a gift from God to be used to the best of their ability for God.


Student Evaluation

 Students at HCS are evaluated on a regular basis. HCS does not participate in Government EQAO standardized testing. At Heritage, we use the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)assessment tool, which allows us to monitor induvial student growth and learning in the areas of math, reading, and language usage.


Conversations with local secondary schools indicate that our students are well prepared to continue at the secondary level with the same degree of success they experienced at Heritage. Many of our students have excelled at the academic level and/or specialized programs like the Baccalaureate.

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© 2016 by Heritage

Hours of Operation

Regular Hours

Mon - Fri

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sat- Sun Closed

Summer Hours

Tues - Thur

9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Fri- Mon Closed

Contact With Heritage

159 Colborne St W

Lindsay, On

K9V 5Z8

(705) 324-8363 tel

          324-8372 fax 

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